Enhancing Web3 Analytics with Spyglass and Substreams

Substreams By Oct 22, 2023 1 Comment

Learn how Spyglass is building a cutting-edge web3 analytics platform to tackle the issues of complexity and slow access to blockchain data by harnessing the power of Substreams.

The challenges of web3 analytics

Web3 analytics have always been complex and time-consuming, involving hours of crafting extensive SQL queries on platforms like Dune Analytics. Another challenge is the delay in data availability, with many existing solutions providing data with a significant time lag, making it difficult to access real-time information.

This lack of user-friendliness and the delayed availability of data has made it challenging for both developers and non-technical users to derive any insights from blockchain data. These challenges caught the attention of Jordan Rein and Alexander Gusev, founders of Spyglass, to come together and create a product that aims to revolutionize the way we interact with blockchain data.

Introducing Spyglass

Spyglass is a delightfully simple web3 analytics platform built to provide instant, accurate visualizations and analyses for various aspects of the decentralized world, including DeFi, DAOs, NFTs, and more. Spyglass offers these advantages over alternative analytics platforms:

  1. Simplicity: Spyglass simplifies the process of creating analytics dashboards and visualizations, making it more accessible for both developers and non-technical users.
  2. Real-Time Data: Spyglass offers real-time data streaming from various blockchain networks, eliminating the need for you to deal with delayed information.
  3. User-Friendly: The platform is designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to customize your data and create visualizations easily.

Unleashing the Magic with Substreams!

The true innovation behind Spyglass is its utilization of Substreams, a revolutionary parallelized blockchain data processing engine. Substreams allows you to extract, transform, and load (ETL) blockchain data effortlessly.

The architecture is built around four key concepts: maps, stores, params, and sources. Let’s explore the purpose of each one:

  1. Sources represent the fundamental blocks of data extracted from blockchain networks.
  2. Maps are responsible for transforming and extracting the relevant information from the data obtained from sources.
  3. Stores play a crucial role in aggregating and computing values derived from the blockchain data.
  4. Params provide you with the capability to customize the data you require, ensuring a tailored experience for your specific needs.

These distinct modules collectively simplify the process of data customization and enable you to execute meaningful actions on the blockchain data effortlessly. This approach is a game-changer for web3 analytics because it provides an intuitive and modular way to work with blockchain data. This is a far cry from the traditional approach of writing complex SQL queries or relying on centralized indexing platform platforms.

Spyglass is on a mission to simplify the web3 analytics landscape by leveraging the power of Substreams. By building a user-friendly platform for real-time blockchain data analysis, Spyglass is making web3 analytics more accessible and efficient for all users, from developers to non-technical individuals.

Make sure to catch the demo!

Experience the future of web3 analytics in a live demo by Jordan Rein and Alexander Gusev, to gain valuable insights and first-hand knowledge about Spyglass.


I am a seasoned technical writer with a passion for simplifying complex tech topics, especially tech around blockchain and web3. Beyond writing, I also love coding as a hobby, with Rust being a particular favorite. This dual passion enables me to bridge the gap between technical intricacies and accessible content.

1 Comment

  1. Elena says:

    This article could assist devs in building up new analytics tools or even a dapp from start to end.

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