
RPC endpoints

Seven Strong: Pinax Credits Resilience and Determination for Success

Pinax By Jun 18, 2024 2 Comments

Our story begins with seven passionate people and a shared mission. TL;DR: Discover Pinax’s origin story—how we developed our blockchain data analytics and processing expertise to become a world-class web3 data streaming provider and core devs working on The Graph. Today, Pinax is a web3 data provider with a multi-chain vision. We offer fast and reliable access to blockchain data….

Arbitrum One Endpoints Now Available

Pinax By Jun 11, 2024 No Comments

Pinax has released Arbitrum One Firehose and Substreams endpoints on the Pinax app, expanding data stream accessibility to one of the leading Ethereum rollups. Anyone with a GitHub account can access the new endpoints from the Pinax app: For those looking to test their contracts, Pinax already provides data feeds for the Arbitrum Sepolia testnet, as well as dozens of…

The Graph Indexer Office Hours #146

TL;DR: Exciting discussion on Pinax’s new RPC service for indexers and an approach for saving the blobs (EIP-4844)! Opening remarks Hello everyone, and welcome to the latest edition of Indexer Office Hours! Today is February 27, and we’re here for Episode 146. Listen to the latest GRTiQ podcast with Ayoola John, the CEO and co-founder of Astronaut, an innovative AI assistant designed specifically…

Introducing RPC Endpoints from Pinax

Pinax By Feb 20, 2024 No Comments

Indexers can now harness the speed and power of Pinax RPC endpoints… and can start using them for free! Pinax now offers RPC endpoints for BNB, Ethereum, Mode, and Polygon, with more coming soon! We’re offering unlimited access to our full RPC suite free for a limited time, showcasing our commitment to enabling creators with web3. Try out our new high-performance RPC services…