

Hi, I'm Andrew. After spending the first decade of my adult life as a music entrepreneur, and then stumbling into a blockchain obsession in 2017, I am now a technical writer and product owner with a commitment to facilitating builders and realizing the potential of decentralized money and power. My vision for the future is that all industries will encapsulate the business logic and value streams of their respective products into automated contracts that adequately reward each participant based on the value they create. These contracts are published open-source, and anybody who thinks value should be rewarded differently can publish their own version and compete in the marketplace based on the results of their theory of value and the behavior it incentivizes. Decentralized organizations will compete on which supply chain participants are most rewarded, what governance structure the organization uses, whether to offer voting rights for tokenized customer rewards, and so much more. It all stems from the central theme of blockchain: Money is power. We can now create our own money. We can now create our own power. We must use it wisely.

The Great Blob Rescue: How Pinax and The Graph Saved the Day!

Pinax, The Graph By Jul 09, 2024 1 Comment

Pull back the curtain and discover how Pinax helped ensure long-term blob storage after EIP-4844. TL;DR: Thanks to quick work from the Pinax team and a flexible, performant software built by StreamingFast, The Graph saved the blobs from centralized doom. The Ethereum Improvement Proposal 4844 (EIP-4844), colloquially known as the “blobs” or “proto-danksharding” proposal, enhances Ethereum’s scalability by enabling temporary…

Arbitrum One Endpoints Now Available

Pinax By Jun 11, 2024 No Comments

Pinax has released Arbitrum One Firehose and Substreams endpoints on the Pinax app, expanding data stream accessibility to one of the leading Ethereum rollups. Anyone with a GitHub account can access the new endpoints from the Pinax app: For those looking to test their contracts, Pinax already provides data feeds for the Arbitrum Sepolia testnet, as well as dozens of…

Attention Developers: Do You Have the Skills to Flourish in Web3?

Insights By Apr 23, 2024 2 Comments

TL;DR: Learn the skills that you will need as a developer making the transition from Web 2.0 to web3. Software development is a rapidly evolving landscape of tools and techniques, where the next groundbreaking technology could consist of only a few lines of code. To compete, developers must keep up with new software and technical skills. Blockchain technology and web3…

Introducing RPC Endpoints from Pinax

Pinax By Feb 20, 2024 No Comments

Indexers can now harness the speed and power of Pinax RPC endpoints… and can start using them for free! Pinax now offers RPC endpoints for BNB, Ethereum, Mode, and Polygon, with more coming soon! We’re offering unlimited access to our full RPC suite free for a limited time, showcasing our commitment to enabling creators with web3. Try out our new high-performance RPC services…