The Graph Indexer Office Hours #144

Events By Feb 15, 2024 1 Comment
TL;DR: The open discussion centered on troubleshooting BSC client issues, alternative testnet indexing methods, and limitations of running BSC on Erigon.

Opening remarks

Hello everyone, and welcome to the latest edition of Indexer Office Hours! Today is February 13, and we’re here for Episode 144.

Consider this space your town square—a place where ecosystem participants gather to discuss crucial and relevant topics related to indexing.

Check out the latest GRTiQ podcast with Juan Manuel Rodriguez Defago, Blockchain Developer at GraphOps.

Repo watch

The latest updates to important repositories

Execution Layer Clients

  • sfgeth v2.0:
    • geth v1.13.12 fh2.4
  • Geth:
    • Edolus v1.13.12
      • This release embeds the mainnet fork number for Cancun, scheduled to go live on March 13, 2024.
  • Arbitrum-nitro:
    • New release v2.2.4
      • This release fixes an issue with querying Arbitrum Classic transactions and uses the current timestamp as block.timestamp for gas estimation by default.
  • Graph Stack
    • Graph Node: New release v0.34.1
      • This a patch release that:
        • Fixes an issue that causes an increase in data size of /metrics endpoint of graph-node. Indexers are advised to skip v0.34.0 and use v0.34.1 .
        • Fixes an issue that causes subgraphs with file data sources to skip non-deterministic errors that occurred in a file data source mapping handler.

Graph Orchestration Tooling

Join us every other Wednesday at 5 pm UTC for Launchpad Office Hours and get the latest updates on running Launchpad.

The next one is on February 28. Bring all your questions!

Blockchains Operator Upgrade Calendar

The Blockchains Operator Upgrade Calendar is your one-stop solution for tracking hard fork updates and scheduled maintenance for various protocols within The Graph ecosystem.

Simplify your upgrade process and never miss a deadline again.

Add to your calendar!

Protocol watch

The latest updates on important changes to the protocol

Forum Governance

Forum Research

Contracts Repository

Project watch

Review the presentation slides

Indexer Excellence Workshop Topic Survey

Calling all indexers! Respond to the indexer excellence workshop topic survey 🙋

Help shape the direction of core dev-created educational content made for the indexing community.

Q: What do you mean by indexer excellence?

A: Being able to configure everything to run optimally.

Open discussion

Indexer excellence workshops

Paka asked: What topics would you like to see covered during an indexer excellence workshop?

  • How to properly set up sharding
  • How to build indices for certain queries, the whole process from a GraphQL query translated to multiple SQL queries, and then writing the index
  • How to decide when to build an index, when to drop existing indices
  • All things database

Decentralized network support for testnets

  • Derek asked about decentralized network support for testnets, and indexers’ take on this.
    • There are different testnets that are being approved and people can now deploy subgraphs that are indexing Sepolia onto the decentralized network. I don’t know if there are a lot of indexers thinking of running archive nodes and being able to support those subgraphs.
    • Do we want to be directing people who are deploying on testnets to use the decentralized network versus the Studio?
  • Payne: What about creating a new category in the contract for testnet subgraphs that basically doesn’t allow enabled indexing rewards but does allow indexer fees, where you can pay indexers directly to host your subgraph? That way you don’t dilute the inflation.
  • Another suggestion was yes to indexing fees and no to indexer rewards for testnets.
  • Matthew suggested no arbitration for testnets, testnets are just best effort rather than guaranteed like mainnets.

Running BSC on Erigon

  • Payne asked, I am curious if anyone runs BSC here, especially in the Erigon archive, and if they can share their experience running those, I know Matthew has been, but I am curious if anyone else is doing that.
    • I was mainly curious if anyone managed to run it without having to restart it every five minutes or so.
  • Matthew said, we have an automated restarter script, which our team wrote for Erigon. So whenever it gets stuck with no header synced or whatever the message is, then it just restarts Erigon.
  • Payne responded that is basically everyone’s approach that runs Erigon.


A passionate, highly organized, innovative Open source Technical Documentation Engineer with 4+ years of experience crafting internal and user-facing support/learning documentation. Leverages a background in computer science to write for highly technical audiences and API docs and is the leader of the technical writing mentorship program.

1 Comment

  1. Andrew says:

    Great summary, sometimes hard to follow the conversations so having these bullet points is super handy

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