

Learn about Pinax’s products and services, our latest news and developments, and helpful support for web3 developers.

Breaking! Pinax Now Supports Firehose and Substreams for EOS, WAX, Telos & UX

Get fast and reliable access to blockchain data in seconds. We’re truly delighted to announce that Pinax is adding APIs for Antelope blockchains to its free public service. You can now use Firehose and Substreams for EOS, WAX, Telos, and UX! Support for Ultra is coming soon. Give it a try! The quickstart guide will walk you through the steps…

Introducing the New Pinax App, a Better Way to Manage Your Firehose and Substreams Services

Pinax By Dec 08, 2023 3 Comments

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new and improved Pinax app, a web-based platform that helps you easily manage your Pinax Firehose and Substreams services. Whether you’re an indexer, a developer, or a curious explorer, the new app will help you get the most out of our services. If you’ve been using the old app, which is no…

Pinax-Supported Chains for Firehose and Substreams

Reliable access to blockchain data in seconds, at blazing fast speeds. Pinax is excited to announce that our free service is available, providing you with the APIs to use Firehose and Substreams for supported blockchains. Want to jump right in and try the service? Skip to the steps to get started right away. What are Firehose and Substreams? Firehose is…

Welcome to the Pinax Blog

Pinax By Sep 16, 2023 1 Comment

Click here to listen to the article: The Pinax team is pleased to introduce the world to our new blog! This is a place for web3 builders who seek to leverage the power of blockchain data to unlock amazing experiences for our communities. Great web3 experiences need reliable and instant access to both fresh and historical blockchain data. But that’s…