Presenting the New Faces of The Graph’s Technical Advisory Board

The Graph By Mar 19, 2024 2 Comments
TL;DR: The Graph's Technical Advisory Board (TAB) has been officially formed, with six members set to review and assist with research & development on The Graph. Learn more about these six exceptional people.

The Graph Council recently appointed the inaugural members of the Technical Advisory Board. Meet the people helping to shape the future of The Graph.

Our previous post, A Close Look at The Graph’s Technical Advisory Board, introduced all the applicants. Now, the selection process is finished, and we’d like to introduce you to the six initial members.

The TAB’s role and vision

To expand research and development efforts, The Graph Council has established a Technical Advisory Board (TAB). The board has the critical role of advancing technical initiatives by reviewing Graph Improvement Proposals (GIPs), Graph Node upgrades, and an array of indexer-stack software.

The board members’ expertise will lend additional resources and a nuanced perspective to the decision-making process, strengthening the confidence of the community and The Graph Council in embracing technical proposals and software enhancements.

Spotlight on the TAB members

Some of the criteria for TAB members included a blend of the appropriate technical expertise, active participation in the network, and unwavering dedication to The Graph’s mission. Here’s an overview of the individuals who will steer The Graph into its next chapter.

Anirudh Patel

Anirudh Patel has a background in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) and economics. His ability to digest complex mathematical concepts and his understanding of game theory equip him uniquely to contribute to the development of The Graph protocol. Anirudh is able to communicate intricate research findings to a non-technical audience, which helps him bridge the gap between advanced technical challenges and the broader Graph community.

Anirudh envisions a protocol that delivers data services at a lower cost, highlighting the potential for SQL data services as a pivotal next step. His belief in the value of reducing SQL infrastructure costs for web3 companies speaks to his focus on practical, impactful improvements. His contributions to AutoAgora, Allocation Optimizer, and preliminary work in SQL and AI data services reflect a proactive approach to advancing The Graph’s ecosystem.

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Derek Meyer

Derek Meyer, founder and operator of Data Nexus, brings a wealth of experience and dedication to the ecosystem. The indexer, Data Nexus, manages one of the highest volumes of paid queries, reinforcing Derek’s reputation within the community. He was an active founding member of the Graph AdvocatesDAO and currently serves as the Director of the Graph BuildersDAO, where he provides technical support and specialized subgraph development.

Derek’s prior experience as a database administrator enables him to optimize indexer operations and provide comprehensive support to subgraph developers. He has a strong presence on Discord, where he routinely assists with subgraph development, offering answers and guidance. Derek also contributes to The Graph’s growth by advocating for innovations like SQL as a service and socket services to enhance web3 user experiences.

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Facundo Spagnuolo

Facundo Spagnuolo is an active contributor to the development of The Graph ecosystem. His robust track record includes projects like Aragon and Balancer, and now the CTO of Mimic. Facundo has developed over 20 subgraphs for various decentralized applications and DeFi projects, helping to enrich the ecosystem’s capabilities.

Beyond his technical contributions, Facundo also takes a proactive role in community support. He offers guidance to newcomers and fellow developers, sharing his knowledge through introductory presentations and workshops on best practices. He also readily provides constructive feedback and bug reporting that are essential to the network’s ongoing enhancement.

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Hope Yen

Hope Yen, a member of the GraphOps team, has a deep technical understanding and broad expertise across The Graph’s stack. Hope is adept at grasping new technologies, protocol economics, and mathematical models, along with a knowledge of programming practices and architectural designs. Experience as a teaching assistant and tutor has given Hope the ability to explain complex concepts with ease.

Hope’s contributions to The Graph ecosystem include operating three large indexers, co-creating the Allocation Optimizer, and submitting 55 PRs to Graph Protocol Indexer Components. Active participation in community forums, Indexer Office Hours, and as the main technical contributor to projects like Graphcast SDK and the Rust rewrite of the indexer-service demonstrate Hope’s proactive role within The Graph community.

Marc-André Dumas

Marc-André Dumas has comprehensive expertise in blockchain technology, specifically in smart contract integration, DeFi protocol enhancements, and oracle systems management. His prior experience includes engineering, where he designed intricate systems across various sectors, and he currently manages the indexer, Ellipfra. Marc-André’s ability to bridge the gap between complex blockchain functionalities and practical applications has helped promote seamless integration and upgraded processes in decentralized finance.

Marc-André is active on Discord and forums, where he supports indexers, shares insights from his experience, and engages in discussions about decentralization and the future of blockchain. His commitment to delivering high-quality service to query users exemplifies his belief in decentralized networks’ superiority over centralized services.

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Thierry Bleau

Thierry Bleau has technical expertise in DeFi protocols, smart contract analysis, and data science, which aligns with the board’s goals to enhance The Graph’s functionality and user experience. Thierry’s prior initiatives, founding Protean Labs to develop infrastructure for The Graph, plus co-founding Playgrounds Analytics, demonstrate his commitment to improving blockchain data analytics and usability.

Thierry actively engages with the ecosystem and contributes to its growth through participation in the Curator program, as a delegator, as a Graph Foundation grantee, and as a member of the Graph BuildersDAO. Thierry favors a community-driven approach to enrich The Graph’s ecosystem that aligns with Horizon. He advocates for a decentralized ecosystem throughout The Graph for global knowledge sharing and supports a service-oriented architecture.

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The TAB’s path forward

The TAB will meet at least once a month, with additional meetings as required.

TAB members will communicate frequently with core development teams, The Graph Council, and The Graph Foundation, ensuring support during technical review and decision-making.

An ecosystem evolving together

The TAB is a symbol of The Graph’s commitment to inclusivity and excellence in technical governance. As the TAB members begin their tenure, their actions and insights will support The Graph’s mission, fostering an ecosystem where data is made accessible to all, and innovation is unrestrained.

Stay tuned to the Graph’s forum and social media channels for updates and insights directly from the TAB members as they contribute to shaping the future of The Graph.

💡 This article answers questions like:
- What is the role of The Graph's Technical Advisory Board?
- Who are the first members of the Technical Advisory Board?
- How can I find out more about the new members of the Technical Advisory Board?


I am a dedicated member of the Graph Advocates DAO and proud to be a part of the Graphtronauts community. As a passionate crypto investor and enthusiast, I have delved into the world of decentralized technologies, with a strong focus on The Graph protocol. My journey includes writing insightful blogs for Graphtronauts and contributing to the development of subgraph documentation for various projects within The Graph ecosystem. Most recently, I have taken on the role of a Pinax technical writer, further expanding my commitment to advancing the adoption and understanding of blockchain and Graph-based technologies. /n


  1. PaulieB says:

    I can’t wait to see how this new group helps bring their expertise to the ever evolving ecosystem!!

  2. kevin says:

    A TAB is a really important aspect of any organization, and really will have an impact on the web3 ecosystem. I wish the new members good luck!

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