

The Graph Indexer Office Hours #166

Events By Jul 19, 2024 No Comments

TL;DR: In this recap of IOH #166, Matthew from Pinax provides helpful context for important steps to take for the Firehose Ethereum 2.6.5 release. The indexer community shares tools and tips on many topics, including cleaning up old deployments, determining how long a subgraph may take to sync, and scaling up operations to support the growing network. Opening remarks Hello…

The Graph Indexer Office Hours #163

Events By Jun 28, 2024 No Comments

TL;DR: In this recap of IOH #163, a member of the Scroll team joins to introduce the network and answer questions, plus there’s a discussion on indexer quality-of-life improvements. Opening remarks Hello everyone, and welcome to episode 163 of Indexer Office Hours! GRTiQ 174 Don’t miss the GRTiQ Podcast with John Paller, Founder and Steward at ETHDenver, and Founder of Opolis….

The Graph Indexer Office Hours #161

Events By Jun 14, 2024 No Comments

TL;DR: In this recap of IOH #161, you’ll find a rousing edition of Project Watch, covering possible Graph Node developments and the arrival of Sunrise, plus an interactive discussion on the effectiveness of chain integration communications. Opening remarks Hello everyone, and welcome to the latest edition of Indexer Office Hours! Today is June 11, and we’re here for episode 161. GRTiQ 172 Don’t…

How to Assess and Query Subgraphs on The Graph Network

The Graph By Jun 06, 2024 No Comments

Learn how to identify and query decentralized subgraphs on Builders Office Hours #35. TL;DR: Learn to assess and query decentralized subgraphs on The Graph Network, with detailed guidance from Marcus of Edge & Node and featuring practical examples and resources for optimizing dApp development. In this detailed session, Marcus, a developer relations specialist at Edge & Node, introduces viewers to…

Semiotic Labs Is Bringing SQL Magic to The Graph

The Graph By May 23, 2024 No Comments

Get an insider’s look at AI, SQL, and blockchain tech in The Graph Builders Office Hours #32! TL;DR: Learn about a session of The Graph Builders Office Hours where Sam Green discusses the integration of AI and SQL in blockchain analytics, showcasing Agentc’s capability to enhance data interaction through natural language processing. In episode #32 of The Graph Builders Office…

The Graph Indexer Office Hours #157

TL;DR: This session of Indexer Office Hours was all about query caching and performance, with special guest David Lutter from Edge & Node. Opening remarks Hello everyone, and welcome to the latest edition of Indexer Office Hours! Today is May 14, and we’re here for episode 157. GRTiQ special release Want to learn more about the Sunrise Upgrade Program? Don’t miss this special…

Beyond Subgraphs: Explore The Graph’s World of Data Services

The Graph By May 14, 2024 1 Comment

Learn more about the new data services coming to the network. TL;DR: Learn more about each of the new data services that The Graph plans to launch on the network, including advanced data streaming services like Firehose and Substreams, Large Language Models (LLMs), new query languages, and verifiable data. One of the objectives of The Graph’s New Era roadmap is…

The Graph Indexer Office Hours #156

TL;DR: This episode featured a jam-packed open discussion: GRT Sunrise Upgrade Program, Graph Node update, and Building a Decentralized Brain with AI and Crypto. Opening remarks Hello everyone and welcome to the latest edition of Indexer Office Hours! Today is May 7, and we’re here for episode 156. GRTiQ 167 Catch the GRTiQ Podcast with Shermin Voshmgir, author of the best-selling book Token…