The Graph Indexer Office Hours #169

Events By Aug 09, 2024 No Comments
TL;DR: Participants focused on optimizing PostgreSQL databases for performance and scalability, discussing sharding, indexing, monitoring, and diagnosing slow queries, with plans for detailed future workshops.

Opening remarks

Hello everyone, and welcome to episode 169 of Indexer Office Hours!

GRTiQ 180

Catch the GRTiQ Podcast with Aki Balogh, Co-Founder and CEO at DLC.Link, a platform that facilitates trust-minimized Bitcoin smart contracts and DeFi applications using Discreet Log Contracts (DLCs). Aki discusses his tech journey, meeting Bill Gates, founding MarketMuse, and transforming DeFi with DLC.Link.

Repo watch

The latest updates to important repositories

Execution Layer Clients

  • Erigon New release:
    • v3.0.0-alpha2
      • Key features in alpha2 focus on initial sync: Erigon becomes “Evergreen,” allowing the download of the latest files even if not using the latest version, with releases near the chain-tip (10K-100K blocks); alpha3 will focus on chain-tip performance and peak RAM usage.
  • Nethermind: New release v1.28.0-rc
    • Introduced the eth_simulate RPC for advanced block simulation, enhanced Optimism support including the ability to function as a Sequencer, and implemented numerous performance optimizations and bug fixes.

Launchpad Stack

  • Launchpad-charts:
    • New chart versions released with enhanced features and bug fixes:
      • Erigon, Arbitrum-Nitro, Nimbus, Graph-Network-Indexer
      • Proxyd: consensus_aware boolean config has been replaced by a new parameter routing_strategy
      • Subgraph-Availability-Oracle: support for custom labels and updated dashboard
  • Posted in Chat – Matthew Darwin | Pinax: “New proxy” – which is fault-tolerant EVM RPC load balancer with reorg-aware permanent caching and auto-discovery of node providers
  • Launchpad-namespaces:
    • New stable versions of Ethereum, Gnosis, Polygon, Arbitrum, Celo, Monitoring, Ingress
  • Key features in alpha2 focus on initial sync: Erigon becomes “Evergreen,” allowing the download of the latest files even if not using the latest version, with releases near the chain-tip (10K-100K blocks); alpha3 will focus on chain-tip performance and peak RAM usage.

Protocol watch

No new updates since last IOH. However, [Timestamp 7:17] paka | E&N stated he will be attending the Builder’s Office Hours to discuss subgraph enhancements.

Open discussion [Timestamp 7:46]

Open discussion on Postgres Sharding Strategies: It was noted by the host AbelsAbstracts.eth | GraphOps there will be a Postgres workshop happening on the 27th of August.

In the chat Vince | Nodeify states he’s been playing with zalando/postgres-operator and also stake-machine.eth posted a link he’s using vitabaks/postgresql_cluster

  • Jim’s (Jim | Wavefive): He first explains is building a new horizontally scalable graph stack to replace his monolithic database system.
  • Jim is concerned about effectively transitioning to a sharded database architecture and optimizing Postgres performance to handle resource-intensive subgraphs and slow queries. He seeks practical strategies, monitoring tools, and best practices for database indexing and caching. Jim’s main questions can be listed when paraphrased.
    • What sharding strategies work best for scaling?
      • Answer: [Timestamp 30:03] So what we do is we have one primary which should only have the metadata… and then all the other ones are just subgraphs… for the most part, yeah, there’s no really great strategy so we basically put subgraphs round-robin into those shards except for a couple things where we know we’re getting a lot of query traffic.” lutter David Lutterkort
      How do you monitor and manage sharded databases?How can you optimize slow queries in Postgres?
      • Answer: [Timestamp 24:15] “That’s where looking at that query and adding an index can have a huge impact… I’ve seen cases where a database shard is at almost 100% utilization, you add an index and it drops to 40%, just by having one index.” lutter David Lutterkort.
      What tools or dashboards are recommended for Postgres performance analysis?How do you handle resource-intensive subgraphs?
      • Answer: [Timestamp 30:02] “If you see that a specific subgraph gets like 20-30% of the queries and The Shard it’s in is under a lot of stress, I would set up a dedicated shard for that or maybe put a few subgraphs in there.” lutter David Lutterkort.
      What are best practices for database indexing in this context?
      • Answer: [Timestamp 25:03] “Initially, indexes are created on every attribute of every entity… Once a subgraph has gotten a certain number of queries, there’s ways to see which indexes are actually used and dropping indexes can help a lot in lowering the write load.” lutter David Lutterkort.
      How to effectively use caching to reduce database load?
      • Answer: [Timestamp 27:11] “Graph node has some caching built in… The gateway doesn’t cache but graph node does.” lutter David Lutterkort. Lutter later posted in chat.
        • Cashing Gist: This explains two things: how to get a trace for a GraphQL query and all the different settings that affect the cache inside graph-node.
      How should configuration be adjusted when transitioning to sharded setups?
      • Answer: [Timestamp 30:45] “The primary database should hold only metadata… separate shards for block caches… and distributing subgraphs round-robin into other shards.” lutter David Lutterkort.
    Jim | Wavefive: [Timestamp 47:00] “Unfortunately, I don’t even have an Arbitrum Sepolia node. That’s my big problem right now because I think both the epoch and the network subgraph are on there. So, I can’t sync them without having an Arbitrum Sepolia node, which just seems ridiculous to have to run one of those for just a couple of subgraphs.”
    • Suggestion: Payne | Stake🦑Squid “isn’t Pinax running a Arb Sepolia node you can hit? You would still need a caching layer. “
      • Answer: Matthew Darwin | Pinax: “you can use the Pinax RPC for testing.”
    • Can graphman can be used to reorganize a database for better efficiency?
      • Answer: [Timestamp 31:24] Lutter confirms, explaining how graphman copy can duplicate and reassign subgraphs.

Comments in the chat:

Vincent | Data Nexus: Issues related to implementing the views so that it wouldn’t be as big of a PITA to implement sharded status dashboards

Jim | Wavefive posted delayed queries he’s had:

Current view of delayed queries – this is an area we’re excited to optimize. Stay tuned for more discussions on performance tuning in our upcoming IOHs!

Question: Stake-machine.eth: does graph-node cache it in psql?

  • Answer by Ford: graph-node has it’s own in-memory cache that keeps repeat queries from making it to the DB

Question: Stake-machine.eth: so for query-node it’s better to have more RAM, but can index-node utilise cache in any way?

  • Answer by Ford: Query cache is just for graphQL queries, so not useful for index-nodes. Yeah, very RAM dependent, and there are some configs that can be used to tune the cache.

Question: Stake-machine.eth: and any plans to add caching to indexer-service?

  • Answer by Ford: not at the moment, keeping indexer-service as light as possible. Simply pass through of queries and handling payments.

Question: Stake-machine.eth: can we offload some load to nginx cache?

  • Answer by Ford: I’d think that’d be very tricky to also handle payments if you try to use an NGINX cache in front of everything.

General comment: Mickey | E&N In the workshop, John may also plug a new idea that he’s exploring for E&N using a Citus cluster that you all might benefit from. Citus info here:


I am a dedicated member of the Graph Advocates DAO and proud to be a part of the Graphtronauts community. As a passionate crypto investor and enthusiast, I have delved into the world of decentralized technologies, with a strong focus on The Graph protocol. My journey includes writing insightful blogs for Graphtronauts and contributing to the development of subgraph documentation for various projects within The Graph ecosystem. Most recently, I have taken on the role of a Pinax technical writer, further expanding my commitment to advancing the adoption and understanding of blockchain and Graph-based technologies. /n

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