The Graph Indexer Office Hours #131

Events By Nov 03, 2023 No Comments

Indexer Office Hours is the town square where The Graph ecosystem participants come together to discuss the most important topics relevant for indexers. Indexer-curious and the wider ecosystem are encouraged to join and participate!

Guest: Colson, Graph Advocate and member of Graph AdvocatesDAO


  • Background and experiences in competitive gaming and teaching
  • Contributions to The Graph ecosystem

Repo watch

  • New releases of Aragon, Firehose, Nethermind, Avalanche, and Arbitrum

Protocol watch

  • Adam Fuller from Edge & Node joins the Graph Council to replace Bradon
  • JP 58 on replacing bonding curves with indexing fees
  • Decimal smart chain integration
  • Sepolia testnet deployment
  • File data sources refactor unblocked


  • Vince Petoscia joins Pinax as a Site Reliability Engineer
  • Tweet from GraphOps recapping the Indexer Office Hours


Talk on Market Power by Justin Grana

Download the presentation slides

  • Market power is usually bad for the economy but sometimes necessary for efficiency (natural monopolies)
  • Sources of market power:
    • Switching/Search Costs
    • Network Effects
    • Product Differentiation / Availability of Substitutes
    • Economies of Scale and Reduction in Cost
    • High-Level Aside
  • Policies to limit market power in The Graph ecosystem:
    • Exclusive Access (Be permissionless)
    • Large Capital Expenditures


  • Indexers are both competitors and stakeholders
  • Graph customers only care that their queries are served well, not who provides the product
  • Indexers have an incentive to work together to increase the value of the GRT token, not compete with each other
  • We need to find ways to increase decentralization without hurting the token price


  • Maintaining a balance between decentralization and competition
  • The devil is in the details
  • The Graph community needs to be attentive to implementing changes that could impact market power


The Graph ecosystem is still under development but is progressing on some important initiatives. The team is working to improve the efficiency and usability of the protocol, and the community is engaged in discussing how to limit market power and maintain a balance between decentralization and competition.

Join Indexer Office Hours on Tuesdays at 6pm UTC in The Graph Discord.


A passionate, highly organized, innovative Open source Technical Documentation Engineer with 4+ years of experience crafting internal and user-facing support/learning documentation. Leverages a background in computer science to write for highly technical audiences and API docs and is the leader of the technical writing mentorship program.

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