
The Graph

Learn about key initiatives of The Graph, a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying blockchain data, told from a layperson’s perspective.

New Chains Coming Soon to The Graph Network: Mode Network, X Layer, Astar Network, and Blast

The Graph By May 21, 2024 2 Comments

Spotlights on the newest chains integrating with The Graph. TL;DR: The multi-chain expansion process continues! Learn more about the chain integration process and four chains that are coming—Mode Network, X Layer, Astar Network, and Blast—their purpose & features, integration benefits, and potential impacts on The Graph ecosystem. Welcome to our series where we highlight the growth and evolution of The…

Beyond Subgraphs: Explore The Graph’s World of Data Services

The Graph By May 14, 2024 1 Comment

Learn more about the new data services coming to the network. TL;DR: Learn more about each of the new data services that The Graph plans to launch on the network, including advanced data streaming services like Firehose and Substreams, Large Language Models (LLMs), new query languages, and verifiable data. One of the objectives of The Graph’s New Era roadmap is…

Token Name Service: Your Decentralized Token Tracker on The Graph

Discover Token Name Service and their vision with Builders Office Hours #23. TL;DR: Learn about Token Name Service and how it uses The Graph for its token registry. The mission of the Graph Builders Office Hours is to support and empower developers, teams, and protocols actively building with The Graph protocol. Sessions are hosted by developers working in The Graph…

Presenting the New Faces of The Graph’s Technical Advisory Board

The Graph By Mar 19, 2024 2 Comments

TL;DR: The Graph’s Technical Advisory Board (TAB) has been officially formed, with six members set to review and assist with research & development on The Graph. Learn more about these six exceptional people. The Graph Council recently appointed the inaugural members of the Technical Advisory Board. Meet the people helping to shape the future of The Graph. Our previous post,…

A Close Look at The Graph’s Technical Advisory Board

The Graph By Nov 27, 2023 1 Comment

TL;DR: The Graph’s Technical Advisory Board (TAB) is set to enhance research and development by providing expert scrutiny for technical plans and Graph Improvement Proposals (GIPs). Hey there! If you’ve been following The Graph, you might have heard about the recent introduction of the Technical Advisory Board (TAB). Wondering what it’s all about? Let’s dive in together. What’s the TAB?…

The Graph’s Next Chapter: A Layperson’s View of a World Of Data Services

The Graph By Nov 14, 2023 1 Comment

Diving into “A World Of Data Services” GIP-0042. Imagine The Graph as a massive digital library. Right now, this library mainly has one kind of digital book called “subgraphs.” But some folks realized that just one type of book isn’t cutting it for everyone’s needs. So, they’re suggesting we add more varieties. Dive deeper and read on to discover how…

Navigating the Chain Integration Process: A Comprehensive Guide to GIP-0057

The Graph By Oct 30, 2023 1 Comment

Hey there, chains looking to integrate with The Graph, and developers from chains not yet on board! The decentralized world is evolving, and with GIP-0057, it’s now easier than ever for any chain to seek integration with The Graph. This is not just a step, but a giant leap towards a multi-chain future, further decentralizing the governance of The Graph….